Attendance and Records
Reporting an Absence
State law requires absence verification.
Absences not cleared within five (5) days from the date of the absence will be marked as "Unexcused"
(Choose one)
- Call the school office the morning of the absence 947-8385
- Send a note with your child on the day they return to school.
- Email [email protected]
Excuse should include:
- Date of absence
- Student Name
- Teacher Name
- Reason for absence
All absences must be verified or the absence becomes an unexcused absence or truancy.
(San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools)
Tardy Procedure
Please have your child check in with the school office if he arrives late to school. Students are required to be in class when the 8:00am bell rings. Please help your child arrive to school on time every day to avoid interruptions to the class.
If your child will be late, please contact the school before 8:30am, if your student will need a lunch that day.
Excused Absences
- Personal illness (school may require a doctor's note verifying absence after 10 days).
- Quarantine under the direction of a health officer.
- Personal medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic appointment.
- Funeral services for a member of the immediate family (limited to one day in state, and three days out of state).
- Personal court appearance (requires verification).
- Employment in the entertainment industry for a maximum of five absences per school year.
- Observance of a religious holiday or ceremony (recommend three days advance notice to school).
(San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools)
Requesting Homework
Please call the school office in the morning if you would like to pick up homework for your child if he is absent. This will allow the teacher ample time to prepare it and have it sent to the office by the end of the school day.
Unexcused Absences & Truancies
The following is a list of reasons NOT acceptable for being absent from school and are considered truancies or unexcused absences during the regular school year.
- Going to work with parent or other family member
- Going to the beach, lake, river, mountains or desert
- Going to a concert or movie
- Babysitting, taking care of other family members
- Personal problems
- Repairing car or household items
- Waiting for service or repair people to arrive
- Shopping
- Camping
- Attending a sporting event
- Bus not available/missing bus
- Participating in a student demonstration
School Attendance Review Board Process (SARB
Three (3) unexcused absences - classified as a Truant (reported to attendance administrator) - 1st letter sent home.
Five (5) unexcused absences - second truancy (again reported to attendance administrator) - 2nd letter and School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting or meeting with administrator.
Six (6) unexcused absences - third truancy & classified as a habitual truant, subject to a summons to appear at a SARB meeting.
NOTE: Ten (10) excused absences is considered to be excessive. Education Code 48260 - "Any pupil subject to full-time education or to compulsory education who is absent from school without valid excuse more than three days or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse or three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance administrator or superintendent of the school district."
When a parent takes their child out of school early, for reasons not acceptable as excused for longer than a 30-minute period more than three times during the year, that child becomes a truant.
(San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools)
Pupil Truancy
Independent Study
In an effort to have students miss as little school as possible during extended trips or on family vacations, the Mountain View School District has included a program to better serve its students. This program is called Independent Study. When a student is going to miss five or more days of school due to a family vacation, the parents should contact the school office one week in advance of the absence. This will allow the office sufficient time to have the teacher plan activities that will be beneficial to the student. Parents will be asked to sign a contract which outlines the activities/assignments that the student is to accomplish during their absence. If the work is completed and turned in when the student returns to school, the negative impact on the student due to the loss of instruction will be decreased. The student will also receive credit for their time of absence and the school will receive funding for the student during the absence.
Mrs. Jeanette Hua
Creek View Boundary
Families that live in Creekside and Eden Glen homes send their children to Creek View School.
We are bordered by Turner Avenue on the west, 60 Freeway on the north, Milliken Avenue on the east and Riverside Drive on the south (except for Eden Glen homes)