Our School » Principal's Message

Principal's Message


Welcome to Creek View Elementary School

Home of the Blue Jays!


Hello Creek View Families!                                                                                             

            We are excited to welcome our students back for another successful school year!  We hope that you have had a wonderful summer with your children and that everyone is ready to kick off the 2023-2024 school year!

            As you may know, Creek View’s former principal, Judith Maxwell, retired at the end of last year.  My name is Amanda Colon, and I will be Creek View’s principal.  I’m honored and eager to begin the school year and serve you, your children and our amazing staff!

             My vision as Creek View’s principal is to empower and support students in achieving their highest achievement and succeeding in the learning process!  I am devoted to our students, staff and families, to ensure that we provide a safe learning environment where students thrive both academically and socially.  My goal is to continue the work that has been done to guarantee every student an exemplary and comprehensive education.  This is my 26th year as an educator and I have had a variety of experiences that have prepared me for leading Creek View Elementary School.  I started my career teaching 5th grade, 3rd grade and then kindergarten.  I was a Teacher on Assignment, a Program Facilitator and Data Coach before becoming an Assistant Principal.  I have been a principal for the last 10 years, most recently at Locust Elementary, in Fontana Unified School District.  I became an educator 26 years ago because I have an insatiable desire to see every student succeed in school!  I am excited for this upcoming school year and am honored and proud to serve your family and the Creek View staff!  

            Our teachers, office staff, support staff, and our custodians have been planning and preparing to ensure that your child has a wonderful and memorable experience at Creek View!  Each and every staff member is dedicated to providing a safe learning environment where students thrive both academically and socially.  Our goal is that every student receives the positive support he/she needs to experience academic success and meet his/her highest potential!  We are focused on preparing our students for success in college, their careers and the 21st century!  We believe that all students can and will learn!  Our students deserve the best education to open the doors of opportunity in their future!  At Creek View we are committed to providing an instructional program that will help open the doors of opportunity for them in their future!         
        We invite you to use our website and access the Parent Student Handbook to become familiar with our school’s policies and procedures that we follow to ensure your student's safety and success.  As you know, students are more likely to be successful if they arrive on time to school every day.  You will find our attendance policies as well as our attendance awards program.  Student success is also based on providing a safe environment, so we have included our school rules, behavior expectations, safety procedures, visitor policy, etc.  We have also included information regarding our instructional program, school hours, important dates, parent teacher conferences, academic awards, rewards and incentives, etc.  This information can be used by you to plan ahead and understand how you can support your child and partner with Creek View Elementary School to ensure a successful school year.
        We believe that the support of parents and community partnerships are critical to student success!  We invite you to participate in the educational experiences of your child. 
Please set up your Parent View and Class Tag accounts to stay current with your child.  The district, teachers and school will use both of these platforms to make announcements to our school community.  You can also follow us on Instagram @ Creekviewschool.  We have many opportunities for parents and families to become involved at Creek View Elementary School.  We hold regular School Site Council and Site English Learner Parent Advisory Council meetings.  Joining the PTO as a member and helping with PTO events and fundraisers is another great way to get involved!  Additionally, families are invited to attend our Back-to-School Night, Parent-Teacher Conferences and Open House.  We appreciate you and your participation in these great events!
        I look forward to an exciting and successful year working together!


Amanda Colon

Proud Principal of Creek View Elementary


Our Mission Statement

Creek View is a community of learners with high expectations for character and academic achievement.  We strive to provide an environment where all of our students are STARs.



  • Safety First
  • Take Responsibility
  • Achieve Excellence
  • Respect Always